
Helping to guide you on your healing journey, wherever it may take you.

The [Ultimate] Guide to Agate: Meaning, Types, Properties, and More!

August 5th, 2022
by New Moon Beginnings

Agate is a stone that has been used for spiritual healing, protection and good luck dating all the way back to the ancient Egyptians.

There are many different types of agate which come with different patterns, colors, and benefits.

Our complete guide to agate will help you learn why it is one of the most valuable gemstones you can have in your collection to support you on your healing journey.

variety of agate crystals

What is Agate?

Agate is a type of semiprecious stone that forms in a wide range of colors and patterns. It's made up of silicon dioxide, which is the same material as quartz.

Agate is found all over the world and has been used for centuries for everything from jewelry to home décor to spiritual healing.


There are many different types of agate, each with its own unique color, pattern and healing properties.

Each variety of agate has similar primary properties with unique metaphysical characteristics that make them special and useful in their own way.


We will provide more information for each of the most popular varieties of agate below.

What is the Meaning of Agate?

The name "agate" comes from the Greek word "akhates" which is the river in Sicily where the first agates were found.

Agate is known as a stone of protection, strength, and stability. It is a grounding crystal that balances emotions and the body simultaneously.


Agate is associated with Gemini, the Root Chakra, and the Earth Element.

agate benefits and associations

What are the Properties of Agate?

Agate comes in many different varieties, each with its own unique meaning and spiritual, metaphysical, and physical properties. The core healing properties of stability, strength, and protection remain constant in all agate types, however.

No matter what your specific needs are, there's an agate out there that can help!

Spiritual and Metaphysical Properties of Agate


  • Harmonizes yin and yang energy

  • Stabilizes the Aura

  • Overcome bitterness of the heart

  • Helps to heal inner-anger



  • Aids in inner stability, composure, and maturity

  • Encourages self-confidence and self-acceptance

  • Fosters the courage to start again



  • Eliminates and transforms negative energy

  • Encourages security

  • Protects from negative thoughts, bad dreams, and energy drains

Physical Properties of Agate

  • Aids in centering and stabilizing physical energy

  • Can reduce stress on the mind and body through clearer and balanced decision making

Who will Benefit from Using Agate?

Agate is the perfect stone for you if you're looking for help with:

    • Balance: mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually

    • Grounding: Stable and clear thinking leads to stable actions

    • Protection: Shed negativity and draining energy

    • Confidence: A calm but strong you, unafraid to speak up and take action

How to use Agate in Your Life?

There are many ways you can use agate in your life. Here are some of the most popular ways:

  • Wearing agate jewelry. This is a great way to enjoy the beauty of agate while also benefiting from its healing properties.

  • Decorating your home with agate. Agate makes for beautiful home décor, and it can also help to create a calming and peaceful environment. Slabs are often used as displays of nature's art, or even cheeseboards!

  • Give agate as a gift. Agates make for beautiful and unique gifts, and they are sure to be appreciated by anyone who receives one.

How to Cleanse Your Agate Crystals

Agates are a durable stone as a member of the quartz family, so any type of cleansing will be safe and effective in most cases.

If your agate is a geode, or has cracks or crevices, avoid salt water to eliminate the chance of corrosion and breaking.

Some of the more deeply colored agates may also be susceptible to color fading if left in sunlight for too long, so it would be safest to avoid using sunlight to charge or cleanse your agate crystals.

Please note, however, that color fading will not impact the energy or properties of the stone.

What are the Different Types of Agate?

Apricot Agate

apricot agate tumbled stone

Apricot Agate is a stone known to protect relationships and connect spirit and emotion.

Apricot Agate Properties are known to balance yin and yang energies, and also strengthen the bond between parent and child. It is a beautiful pinkish-orange color and often also has creamy white bands running through it.

Blue Lace Agate

blue lace agate tumbled stone

Blue Lace Agate is a semi-precious stone that can be found in a range of different blues with off-white bands of color running through it. It is one of the most popular varieties of agate and is often used in jewelry and as a decorative item.

Blue Lace Agate is known to have a calming effect, promote compassion, and to encourage communication.

Botswana Agate

botswana agate slice

Botswana Agate is a type of agate is one of the oldest healing gemstones. It is characterized by its amazing banded patterns and wide range of colors.

Botswana Agate's metaphysical properties of balance, strength, and serenity help you find your own natural rhythm.

Crazy Lace Agate

crazy lace agate cabochon

Crazy Lace Agate is a type of agate that is characterized by its intricate and [crazy] colorful patterns.

Crazy Lace Agate is associated with joy, fun, laughter, and happiness. It's benefits include boosting energy, rejuvenation, and positivity.

Dendritic Agate

dendritic agate worry stone

Also known as "Merlinite", Dendritic agate contains inclusions that resemble tree branches or ferns. It can be found in a variety of colors, but most commonly range from black, to white, to grayish-blue.

Dendritic Agate is known as a magical, intuitive, and spiritual stone. Use this crystal during meditation and become more connected to the spiritual realm.

Fire Agate

raw fire agate stone

Fire agate is characterized by its bright, fiery colors. It is found in a variety of locations around the world, but most notably in Mexico and the southwestern United States.

Fire agate connects the element of fire with the earth and thus is a very protective, grounding stone which also lights a fire within oneself.

Flower Agate

flower agate worry stone

Flower agate is a more recent discovery which is a type of plume agate with inclusions of chalcedony which "blossom" within the stone.

Flower Agate is known as a stone of growth, joy, and manifestation. It will help you reach your highest potential and encourage self-growth.

Grape Agate

grape agate cluster

Grape agate is actually a form of chalcedony, not an agate. It's also known by the name "Purple Chalcedony", but it received its common name "grape agate" due to its purple color and grape-like bunches of nodules.

Grape Agate is known to promote inner stability, composure and maturity. It stimulates the Crown Chakra and is useful during meditation for creating intense experiences.

Indian Agate

indian agate slice

Indian agate is usually a deep, rich brown or red color with swirling patterns.

Indian agate is said to be very calming and grounding, making it a great stone for those who are feeling frazzled or stressed. It is also said to promote courage and strength, which can be helpful for those who are facing difficult challenges.

Moss Agate

moss agate tumbled stone

Moss agate is a type of agate that is characterized by its moss-like inclusions. It is most commonly found in a variety of green and white shades.

Moss agate is known as a stone of abundance and new beginnings. Therefore, it is no surprise that it is also known as the crystal of gardeners and is associated with nature spirits and earth energy.

Tree Agate

tree agate tumbled stone

Tree agate is a type of agate that is characterized by its tree and branch-like patterns. It is found in a variety of colors, but is most commonly white or pale green.

Tree agate is a stone of abundance, inner peace, and calm. It will deepen your connection to the earth and aid you in grounding.

Turritella Agate

turritella agate tumbled stone

Turritella agate is a highly spiritual stone that is deeply connected to the earth. It is known to open portals of wisdom between the plant, animal, and mineral worlds.

Turritella Agate helps with self-confidence and also stabilizes and balances negative energies. It is a brown-black stone with yellow inclusions which can appear in imperfect circular patterns.


carnelian agate tumbled stone

Although it does not have "Agate" in its name, Carnelian can form as an agate as well with beautiful banding and colors ranging from milky white to bright red and orange.

Carnelian agate is a stone of energy and positivity, and is known to help with creativity by stimulating the mind and helping you maintain personal power and vitality.

Common Agate Shapes and Forms

  • Agate is a semi-precious stone that comes in many different colors, shapes, and forms. Some of the most common agate shapes are:

    • Geode (natural): An agate geode is a round rock with a hollow center that is filled with crystals. From the outside, agate geodes typically look just like any other rock!

    • Raw Chunks (natural): An agate chunk is a naturally shaped piece of stone with a rough surface that has not been altered. Raw stones are thought by some to carry the most pure energy of any form, making them common choices for meditation and energy work.

    • Tumbled Stone (shaped): An agate tumbled stone is a small piece of stone which has been sanded down in a "rock tumbler" and then polished for a smooth and shiny appearance. Tumbled agates are common choices for carrying with you during the day.

    • Cabochon (shaped): A cabochon is a smooth, rounded stone that has been cut and polished into a specific shape. Agate cabochons are often used in rings, pendants, and other jewelry.


    • Slice or Slab (shaped): An agate slice is a thin section of rock that has been cut from a larger piece. Typically, they are polished to bring out the beautiful patterns and sometimes even dyed in bright flourescent colors. These agate slabs and slices are often used as decorations, art, and even drink coasters!

Scientific Properties of Agate

  • Agate is the general name that is given to multiple different types of Chalcedony combined with other minerals

  • It is made up of silicon dioxide, which is the same material as sand and quartz.

  • As a mineral of the Quartz family, it has a Moh's hardness level of 7 (same as quartz)

  • Agate forms in layers, and the different colors and bands are created by different minerals in each layer.

  • Agate has three characteristics which make them ideal for making into jewelry and other sculptures:

    1. Durability

    2. Easily shaped

    3. Beautiful

Where is Agate Found?

Agate geodes can be found on every continent near volcanic activity. Agates are found all over the world, but some of the most famous deposits are located in Brazil, Morocco, Africa, Uruguay, Mexico, Madagascar, India, and the United States (Oregon and California).

How is Agate Formed?

Agate forms when a gelatin-like solution fills a cavity in a rock that then begins to deposit crystals evenly throughout the cavity wall. A very slow-moving process, tightly packed micro-crystalline quartz crystals line the contact walls of the cavity.

As impurities work their way through the crystal structure, Agate will transform into the well-known colors and patterns, which is how we get the different types of Agate.


Fossils can even be agatized if it forms between the cavities in fossilized remains.

Bubbles form within a host rock from rapid gas formation from expanding volatile components. Geodic Agate moves its way into the holes of the host rock left from the bubbles created during volcanic activity while the host rock is still in a viscous state.

Eventually, the rock solidifies and cracks, letting that gas escape. Once the gas escapes, mineral-rich water makes its way into the empty cracks to provide the rock with the necessary minerals for agate to form in the cracks.


Brief History of Agate

Agate has been used in jewelry and carvings since ancient times. The earliest known agates were found in the Achates River in Sicily. In fact, the name "agate" comes from the Greek word for the river, Achates.

It is characterized by its fineness of grain and brightness of color. Although agates can be found all over the world, they are most commonly found in Brazil and Uruguay.


In legend and history, agate has been used as a talisman or amulet to protect against evil spirits. It was said to be useful in warding off storms at sea and was believed to have the power to cure insomnia and promote good dreams.

Agate was also thought to increase strength and courage, and to bring success in competitions and games of chance. Agate was even used on the armor of ancient warriors to give them strength in battle!

Final Thoughts on Agate

Agate is a powerful crystal that can be used for a variety of purposes. The benefits of agate include improved inner strength, courage, and self-confidence. It's also thought to be helpful in overcoming fears and promoting emotional stability.

There are many different types of agate, each with its own unique properties and benefits. When choosing an agate crystal, it's important to select one that resonates with you on a personal level.

If you're looking for a crystal that can help you achieve your goals and manifest your dreams, agate is an excellent choice. Keep it close by or wear it as jewelry to receive its maximum benefits.

What Color is Agate?

Agate is often banded with multiple colors including gray, blue, white, blue, green red, orange, pink, brown, or yellow.


Written By The Team


This Guide was created by a close group of talented & passionate crystal enthusiasts, writers, web designers & more.


Thank you to everyone who contributed their ideas, time, and talents!


- Rachel & Christopher Glarner

Owners, New Moon Beginnings