
Thyme Cleansing Stick

This listing is for a single (1) Thyme Herb Stick.

Size: approximately 4" - 5"

Thyme is often burned to help with feeling of hopelessness and other negative vibrations. In ancient Greece thyme was burned in their temples for purification, this historical use continues today as a popular herb to burn before a ritual. Thyme also has connections to the middle ages, it was given as a gift to men before battle, it was burned or carried fresh to attract courage and maintain good health. The aromatic scent of Thyme is also said to be beneficial for getting a good night's rest, making it an ideal herb to burn before bed.

Whether you're looking to attract positive energy or gather courage before a challenging situation, this bundle of organic thyme is the perfect choice. The sweet and savory aroma of thyme has long been used to promote mental clarity, boost confidence, and main

This bundle of organic thyme is perfect for adding a soothing scent to any room or space. It is known to help reduce stress and anxiety while promoting feelings of peace and tranquility in your home. Thyme is also believed to be connected to the divine, and can help raise the energy of your sacred space.

How to use:
- Light the wand from the top end and place the burning wand on a safe surface.
- Keep out of reach of children, animals and flammable material.
- Burn your Herb stick and let the smoke permeate and cleanse.
- While you are cleansing your room or your crystals, make sure that you keep a strong and focused intention in mind.
- Waft the smoke so that the smoke cleanses the entire room.
- Once done, put out the fire against a fire-safe bowl or abalone shell, and store away for later use.

**Please make sure that the cleansing stick is COMPLETELY out before leaving the area unattended**