
93+ Fun Ways to Use Crystals: Learn What to do with Crystals

Is your crystal collection already huge and still growing?

Do you ever wonder what to do with all those Crystals?

Then this post is for you! 

Read our complete guide to discover creative ways to get your crystals and gemstones out of your closet and let them shine!

Originally Published: 10/21/2022 by New Moon Beginnings
Updated on: 11/17/2022

(Fun)ctional Ways to Use Your Crystals

We have several ideas for you to get your gemstones out of the closet and start using them in practical and creative ways every day.

Some of these ideas make great decorations even when not "in use".

Crystal and crescent moon bookmark


Create a bookmark.

We recommend finding a stone that is calm and relaxing, such as Amethyst.

Phone Stands

Use a crystal as a phone accessory to stick to the back of your phone and provide a better grip while holding your phone.

It can also be used as a phone stand, so you can prop your phone up on a surface.

Amethyst phone accessory
shungite phone tile

EMF Protection for Mobile Devices

You can attach a small piece of shungite to your cell phone or laptop.

Ours are sold with a peel-and-stick backing for easy use.

Tea Infusers

Crystal Tea Infusers are a great way to stay close to your crystals while having your daily tea.

With so many popular crystals that align with different intentions, you can surely find one that is fitting for the moment.

Examples are Amethyst for Relaxation, Citrine for getting Energized, or Carnelian (pictured) for Creativity.

Raw Carnelian Tea Infuser
Crescent moon and clear quartz mug


Tea and Coffee Mugs are another great way to incorporate Crystals into your daily routine.

Similar to the tea infuser, you can use a mug made with crystals to relax, get energized, or set another intention for the day.

Pocket Knives

Do you like to carry pocket knives? Or do you want your man to carry crystals, but you can't get him to do it. 

Look no further than pocket knives!

We love Sante Fe Stoneworks because they make beautiful, hand-crafted, and high quality crystal knives right here in the USA.

pocket knife with crystals
orange calcite duck and malachite cat

Board Game Pieces

Time to step up your game.

Boardgame, that is.

Crystals and gemstones make great pieces for boardgames!

A variety of tumbled stones or crystal sculptures make good options.

So ditch the hat and wheelbarrow and upgrade to a malachite cat or an orange calcite duck.


Crystal drink coasters have been popular for some time now. 

The most popular stone to be used is agate, which is commonly dyed in a wide array of funky colors. 

These colors include Pink, Green, Blue, Orange, Red, and more! You can also find Rose Quartz Coasters and others. 

You will certainly be able to find something that fits your decor for sale.

Rose Quartz coaster
crystal kitchen utensils

Kitchen Utensils

Back to Sante Fe Stoneworks...In addition to Pocket Knives, they also offer Kitchen Knives and Utensils made with crystals.

Once again, the craftmanship is amazing.

Absorb EMFs in the Home

Use a shungite block or pyramid  to add both function and decor to your home. 

You can also use raw shungite if you prefer that aesthetic. Just beware that it is a flaky black material that will leave residue.

We recommend placing it near electronics such as your TVs, Routers, and Microwaves.

shungite cubes
Amazonite Bookends


Larger crystals and stones can be used as bookends while adding a beautiful and natural aesthetic to your decor. 

Some of the best options are Celestite and Amethyst geodes, as well as large raw chunks or polished points. 

Some specimens are even cut and polished with flat sides to be actual crystal bookends.

Ideas to Decorate your Home with Crystals

We love decorating our home with crystals because it is where we keep most of our collection and where we spend most of our time.

Let's look at some ways to get those crystals out of the closet and drawers and into our favorite living spaces!

Agate slab

Heart of the Home

Use one of your favorite and larger crystals in the center of your home to spread your desired energy throughout your home. 

We have an Agate Geode with a polished front and druzy center to bring peaceful energy and to help keep us grounded. 

Walking by your favorite pieces every day is a constant reminder to spread the energy that you want for your home and family.

Candle Holders

Crystal candle holders are a perfect way to combine crystal energy with natural beauty and function. 

Some of the most common candle holders available are Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Selenite.

Himalayan salt tealight holder
Amethyst mirror

Decorate a mirror 

Decorate a mirror with crystal chips to add a bit of fun and energy while you're getting ready for the day ahead.


Agate slabs are great display crystals that can double as a decorative cheeseboard.

Just be sure it is fully polished so it can be easily and completely cleaned and disinfected.

Agate Slab
Smoky Quartz Cluster

Dining Table Centerpiece

Larger crystal points, towers, geodes, and other statement pieces make great decorative centerpieces for common areas such as dining room tables or coffee tables.

DIY Bowls with Floating Candle or Flower

Floating candles or Flowers are often placed inside bowls of water for decoration.


You can add crystals to the bottom of the bowl to add an additional pop of color while maintaining a clean and natural look.

candle floating in water
Crystal drawer knobs

Cabinet Handles or Drawer Knobs

Replace your dresser knobs with your favorite crystals.


Buy magnets and glue them to crystals and stones to turn them into decorative magnets.

Perfect for your refridgerator or whiteboard.

You can also buy them premade for you.

Crystal Magnets
Rose Quartz Lamp


Stones and crystals can be hollowed out with special drilling techniques to allow a lightbulb to be inserted, creating a crystal lamp.

Base of a Lamp 

You can also decorate the base of a lamp with your crystals.

amethyst as paperweight

Paper Weight

Use your favorite piece as a paperweight or to decorate your desk or workspace.

Tealight Holder as a Sphere Holder

If you have unused crystal tealight holders in your home, you can use them to hold your larger crystal spheres.

Fluorite Sphere and Rose Quartz tealight holder
crystal ring

Crystal Rings as Sphere Holders

Solid Stone Rings are popular right now. If you have one that you aren't wearing, you can use it as a holder for your favorite crystal sphere as well.

Just be sure the ring is wide enough so the sphere sits up entirely off of the surface and does not roll around.

Sun Catcher 

Crystals with transparency work best for this idea. 

You can use a crystal pendant as a sun catcher in a window.

When the suns shines through them, they create beautiful designs and colors in the room!

You also can use any crystal that can be strung such as a drilled stone or crystal ornament to make something super unique (see photo).

Crystal sun catcher
Crystals in window sill

Window Sill Decor

Decorate your window sill with small crystals that sit safely on the ledge.

Standing points or small geodes with wide, flat, stable bases work best.

You can also use raw stones, clusters, or tumbled stones.

Mini selenite bowls can also be used for cleansing and black tourmaline is common for protection.

In a Succulent Terrarium

Another fun way to use a crystal is to add one or two to a succulent terrarium.

crystals in succulent terrarium
Amethyst cluster in Aquarium


Use your crystals in an aquarium. 

Just be sure not to use toxic stones or flaking crystals. 

Stick with quartz based minerals to be safe, such as clear quartz, citrine, or amethyst as shown.

Thank you to our customer for the idea and photo!

Plant Vase

Add crystals to a Glass Vase with a vining root plant that doesn't need soil. 

The all natural combination makes a beautiful decoration.

crystal ball moss terrarium
crystal geode planter

Concrete Planter Geode

There are a few companies making concrete planters with crystal geodes built into them.

Tal & Bert is one we can recommend.

In a Planter

Crystals can make a nice decoration when placed inside a planter.

The other benefit of this is that crystals can be cleansed by soil!

clear quartz in planter
Malachite Egg

Holiday Decorations

Crystal Sculptures are great decorations for holidays such as Crystal Eggs for Easter or Pumpkins for Halloween.

Tree Ornaments

Crystals can be turned into tree ornaments for holiday decorations.

You will just need a drilled crystal or another way to hang it.

You can also buy these ornaments already made.

Amethyst Ornaments
Crystal Necklace holder

Crystal Necklace Display

You can make a DIY crystal necklace holder as a creative way to display your crystal necklaces.

Hanging Ornament

You can use a hanging ornament such as this chakra stone ornament for your car or any hook or doorknob in your home.

Chakra Stone Ornament
Crystal Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher

Incorporate your crystals into a dreamcatcher to help protect your dreams with a bit of gemstone flair.

You can also purchase amazing pieces from etsy as shown.

Fountain rocks

Do you have a fountain that you use for relaxing sounds of water? If so, replace the stones at the bottom of the fountain with crystals instead for even more relaxing energy. 

Just be sure to use stones and crystals that will not be damaged by water. We recommend Quartz based stones including quartz varieties, aventurine, amethyst, citrine, etc.

Crystals in Elephant Fountain
Candles, plants, and crystal on tray

Serenity Corner

Creating a dedicated corner of your home with natures gifts is a great way to find peace during the day, and can even be used as your location to meditate.

Serenity Corners often include plants, crystals, candles, wood sculputres, fountains, and any other items that bring you peace of mind.

Crystal Photo Holders

Check out these DIY crystal photo displays.

They are very simple and entirely customizable.

green calcite photo holders
Agate Bowl

Entryway Bowl

Entryway bowls are popular for dropping common items you need before leaving your home.

This could be keys, wallets, etc. 

Why not use a crystal bowl to hold these items?

Frame Stone Slices

Small crystal slices have a lot of character, especially Agates.

These can be framed to create a beautiful work of natures art.

Agate slice in frame

Ways to Wear Crystals as Jewelry & Accessories

Most of these Crystal Jewelry ideas won't be new to anyone, but a comprehensive list must include even the most obvious ideas!

We also have some unique crystal accessory ideas to keep them closer than you ever imagined possible.

Jewelry Holder

You can use crystal towers to hold rings and bracelets.

A selenite tower is a great option to cleanse your jewelry while storing and displaying it. 

Nightstands are perfect, especially if your selenite tower is also a lamp!

crescent moon labradorite pendant

Pendant or Necklace

Wear your crystal as a necklace.

Some common types include:

  • strung beaded necklaces
  • wire wrapped pendants
  • pendants with a bale on a chain
  • drilled gemstones on a chain or rope


Wear your crystal as a bracelet.

Some common types include:

  • strung beaded bracelet on either an elastic band or with a clasp or toggle
  • bangle bracelets with cabochons
  • cabochons in bezel settings with adjustable toggle clasps
  • charm bracelets
Chakra bracelet set
Grounding Bracelet/ Anklet


Wear your crystal as an Anklet. The types of anklets are similar to bracelets, and most of the time either can be repurposed as the other.


Wear your crystal as a ring.

Some common forms include:

  • Statement rings
  • small strung beaded rings
  • solid bands
  • some are even using crystal bracelets to replace the more expensive diamond engagement rings
Labradorite Ring
Rose Quartz Earrings


Wear your crystals as earrings.

Some common forms include dangle and stud earrings.

Nose Rings

Wear a crystal nose ring.

Opal Nose Ring
Labradorite Belly Button Ring

Belly Button Rings

Wear a crystal belly button ring.


Crystal keychains arean easy and creative way to keep your crystals close to you each day.

Amethyst Key Chain
Crystal croc jibbitz

Shoe Accessories

Use crystals as croc jibbitz or dangle them off the loop on the back of your boots.

You can also string them through your laces easily if you have a drilled stone.

Crystal Hair Clips or Ties

There are creative ways to incorporate crystals into a hair clip or hair stay.

Crystal hair clip
Black crystal infused t-shirt

Infused T-Shirts?

Did you know some creative makers out there are making shirts and other clothing with crystals infused into the clothing? 

Check out SLVR LNNG Crystal Infused Clothing.


Crystal chips can be used as sequins on your clothing, purses, or other accessories.

crystal chips
crystal beaded dog collar

Pet Collar

You can also use crystals as sequins or to dangle from your pets collar.

How to Use Crystals in Crafts & Hobbies

The wide array of textures, colors, and properties make Crystals great items for use crafts and hobbies.

Rock Hounding

Did you know there are a lot of different crystals and cool gemstones that can likely be found near you? 

This is a fun hobby that will keep you exercising, learning, and collecting!

Explorer essentials
Rock Tumbler

Tumble Stones

Tumbling stones can be a fun hobby for any rock or crystal lover.


Lapadaries shape raw stones and crystals into beautiful and intricate designs.

Typically, only high grade stones are used for this as the finished pieces are often put into jewelry.

Stone Lapidary
Jewelry making station

Make Jewelry

Crystals can be made into jewelry in a number of ways. You don't need to be a lapidary to do it, either.

You can use raw stones, pre-drilled stones or beads, tumbled stones, or pre-carved cabochons.

This can be a fun hobby to expand your personal crystal jewelry collection or to create handmade and meaningful gifts.

Wire wrapping is usually the easiest place to start!


Many crystals are so naturally beatiful that you can take photos of them and frame them as art.

Check out this closeup of a piece of rainbow fluorite.

closeup of fluorite
amethyst geode painting

Painting or Drawing

You can paint or draw crystals to make unique pieces of art, such as this painting of an amethyst geode.

Crush to powder for use in Art

If you really want to get creative, you can crush down stones to create a unique color and texture for painting and other artforms.

It is even ancient legend that Cleopatra used crushed lapis lazuli to create eye makeup. We don't recommend using it as makeup, but it sure is interesting!


Ideas to Help Children have Fun + Learn with Crystals

Kids always love to have fun. But learning? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. These next ideas bring the best of these two worlds together.

Please be sure to always watch children closely for safety and do not use pieces that are small enough to be swallowed. 

Sand box

Treasure Dig

Crystals can be buried in a sandbox to create a fun activity for children. 

Their imaginations will run wild as they dig for buried treasure.

If you have a play date or family over, you can even let the kids take home the crystals they find as a gift.

Learning Tools

Another fun idea for kids is to use crystals and gemstones to teach them about colors, textures, shapes, and sizes.

Using crystals may just the fun approach needed to engage a young learner.

For older kids, stones can also be used to help teach geology and even geography since crystals come from all over the world.

Try collecting stones from different countries or areas and have them map out their crystals.

For more ideas, check out this guide from the Modern Mindful Mom.

Raw stone chakra set

Ways to Use Crystals for General Wellness and Daily Routines

Stone used in Massage


Crystals are used in massage therapy as they are believed to help remove blocked energy in the mind, body, and soul. Learn more.

Fidget object

Running your fingers over a crystal palmstone or worry stone is a great way to focus excess energy during times of stress. 

green aventurine worry stone
Crystal combs

Crystal Combs 

Use the amazing benefits and properites of natural crystals on your hair! 

Facial Roller 

A Rose Quartz facial roller is the perfect item to add to your beauty routine to massage and soothe the muscles in your face. 

Rose Quartz facial roller
Jade and Rose Quar

Gua Sha 

Use a Gua Sha to promote over all health for your skin! 

Gemstone Face Mask 

Apply a crystal infused face mask to promote relaxation. 

Crystal infused face mask


Aromatherapy is the practice of controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. 

Combine your aromatherapy with crystals for a heightened experience.

Crystal Candles

The benefits of using candles with crystals include their ability to cleanse your space and provide a positive and uplifting energy.

Beyond that, they just look beautiful!

Candles with essential oils can also make a wonderful combination of aromatherapy and healing energy.

12 ounce New moon candle
good vibes only bath bomb

Bath Bomb

Combine the benefits of crystals and bath bombs for an intention-based bathing experience. 

Bath Salts 

Sea salts and essential oils make a wonderfully synergistic combination.

The relaxing properties of hot water compliment the effects of well chosen salts and essential oils.

Combine your bath salts with crystals to take your relaxation to the next level and eliminate negative energies.

Energy cleansing bath salt
Chakra Sprays

Body or Room Spray 

Use an Aromatherapy Mist For Pillow, Room, or Body. 

Created with crystals and blended with intention, you can use a mist spray anywhere and anytime for sleep, relaxation, cleansing, or uplifting energy.

Oil Roller Bottles 

Oil Rollers made with crystals are the perfect combination to carry every day to keep your crystals close and aromatherapy closer.

Crystal Infused Soap


Bring the healing benefits of crystals into the shower with you with crystal infused soap! 

Lava Stone Aromatherapy

Lava Stone is a popular type of aromatherapy that can be used on the go as a necklace or bracelet.

You can apply your essential oil directly to the Lava Stone itself to carry with you at all times.

Aquamarine and Lava Stone diffuser bracelet

Ways to Use Crystals for Metaphysical, Spiritual, Practices, and Rituals

While crystals are especially popular in our culture today, people have been using crystals for their metaphysical healing powers for thousands of years.

Check out some of the different ways that Crystals can be used in your daily practice.

Read our complete list of crystal names and properties with photos if you'd like to learn more about the benefits of each crystal.

Rose Quartz Towers

Wedding Altar 

Use Rose Quartz in your wedding as a symbol of love. You can also use any other stone that has a special connection for you and your partner.

Home Altar 

You can make a home altar to display and use your collection for rituals.

Crystal Altar
Tarot Reading

Tarot Readings  

You can use crystals in a tarot reading to elevate your experience. 


Use popular protection stones such as black obsidian for scrying.

Black Obsidian Mirror
hands holding crystal


Use Crystals for Manifestation which is commonly done during the new moon and full moon.


Use crystals for dowsing.

dowsing rods
Amethyst divination pendulum


In your quest for new knowledge, use crystals to strengthen your divination practice. 


A crystal grid is a set of selected crystals that are attuned to a specific purpose. 

They are then placed in a distinct sacred geometric shape such as a circle, spiral, infinity symbol, square, triangle or hexagon. 

Crystals which are activated in a grid-like formation can intensely magnify their energy.

Crystal Grid
Crystal Wand


Wands are often created for specific crystal healing and energy work.


Selenite is perfect for all types of energy cleansing. 

It is one of the the very few minerals that has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant energy and remove negative energy.

Check out our Cleansing Guide to learn more.

Selenite Tower
Selenite plate


Selenite can also be used to charge your other crystals.

Check out our How to Charge Crystals Guide to learn more.

Chakra balancing

Use crystals that correspond with each chakra and allow their frequencies to bring openness and alignment to the chakras. 

Chakra stones
Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing 

Energy Healers and Master Healers, use Crystals for Reiki healing.


Incorporate stones into your meditation practice for a deeper and enhanced deeper meditative experience. 

meditation with crystals


Try using stones during your yoga pracitce to promote harmony and connectivity. 

Crystal Gift Ideas

Crystals make a great gift for just about any occassion.

  • Birthstones can be gifted for milestones.
  • Geodes such as Amethyst or Celestite make great housewarming gifts.
  • Larger pieces or stone sets with Love and Happiness intentions can be gifted as wedding gifts.
  • Any crystal you feel someone else may need more than you is a great gift at any time.
  • Kids also love crystals. I always have crystals on me. If a child shows interest and it doesn't hold a specific sentimental value to me, I'll gift it just because it makes me feel good.

Eliminate White Walkers!

If you're a fan of Game of Thrones, then you certainly know about Dragon Glass and White Walkers.

For those of you that don't know, White Walkers are essentially the Walking Dead.

Did you know that "Dragon Glass" is actually Black Obsidian

This makes Black Obsidian the only way to kill White Walkers!

Prepare for the apocolypse and get your black obsidian ready.

Black Obsidian Arrowhead
Game of thrones - whitewalker