This listing is for a single (1) Rosemary Cleansing Stick - 4 Inch.
See Full DescriptionListing is includes:
1 (one) ~ 3-4" Dried Rosemary bundle
Intentions: Mental Clarity, Protection, Purification
Rosemary: Brings about mental clarity and calmness by allowing you to 'let go' of any negative thoughts. Great for mediators.
Rosemary was well known to ancient practitioners. It was an herb known for strengthening the memory and helping the brain. Eventually, it also became associated with the fidelity of lovers, and was presented to wedding guests as a gift. In 1607, Roger Hacket said, "Speaking of the powers of rosemary, it overtoppeth all the flowers in the garden, boasting man's rule. It helpeth the brain, strengtheneth the memorie, and is very medicinable for the head.
burn rosemary to rid a home of negative energy, or as an incense while you meditate. Hang bundles on your front door to keep harmful people, like burglars, from entering. Stuff a healing poppet with dried rosemary to take advantage of its medicinal properties, or mix with juniper berries and burn in a sickroom to promote healthy recovery.
How to use:
Burn your rosemary stick and let the smoke permeate and cleanse. Waft the smoke with the feather so that the smoke cleanses the entire room. Once done, snuff out the fire against an abalone shell, store away in included pouch and save for later use.
**Please make sure that a cleansing stick is COMPLETELY out before leaving the area unattended**
Burning Instructions: Light the wand from the top end and place the burning wand on a safe surface.
Keep out of reach of children, animals and flammable material.
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