
Raw Beltane Crystal Set

$10.99 - $23.99

This listing is for a single (1) Beltane Raw Stone Set. We created this set to celebrate Beltane, also known as May Day, with the intentions of Abundance, Growth, and Passion. This set includes Green Calcite, Serpentine, Red Jasper, and Diopside.

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This listing is for a single (1) Beltane Raw Stone Set.

We created this set to celebrate Beltane, also known as May Day, with the intentions of Abundance, Growth, and Passion.

This set includes: Green Calcite, Serpentine, Red Jasper, Diopside

Crystal Size (Approximate): 1" to 1.5"
Crystal Surface: Rough

Please note that these are stock photos of a few of the healing crystal sets that we have available. These sets have natural Crystals & Gemstones, so each stone and set will be unique and have variations in natural characteristics such as Size, Shape, Inclusions, and Color.

You can also purchase the Crystal Set with a Selenite Bowl (3.5" Diameter) by choosing that option from the dropdown.

Intentions: Abundance, Growth, Passion

Beltane celebrates the peak of Spring, when the Earth is at its most lush and fruitful. It marks the beginning of the coming Summer. It is a time to celebrate the Abundance of the Earth and brings New Beginnings and Transformation.

Traditionally Beltane was often celebrated with large bonfires, dancing, and the use of Maypoles. There are many different types of rituals that are performed surrounding this day, and there is no wrong way to celebrate! These are our top choice for Crystals to use during and around Beltane.

Green Calcite
Growth - Beltane is closely connected to the vitality and growth of Spring. Working with Green Calcite can help support personal growth, transformation, and new beginnings.
Renewal - Beltane is a time of renewal and rejuvenation of the Earth. If you've been feeling stagnant, Green Calcite can help you begin your own cycle of renewal.
Prosperity - Green Calcite can help align you with the energy of abundance and manifestation that surrounds Beltane. Opening yourself up to this energy can help attract prosperity into all areas of your life.

Red Jasper
Protection & Grounding - Beltane is surrounded by a lot of powerful energy - some believe that this is a time when the veil between worlds is thin. Red Jasper can help you feel grounded, rooted, and connected to the earth's energy, while promoting inner strength and resilience and shielding you from negative energies.
Connection to Fire Element - Fire has long been a part of many Beltane rituals. Red Jasper's strong connection to the element of Fire helps you tap into your inner power and courage, inspiring you to pursue your passions and desires with enthusiasm and determination.
Passion & Vitality - Beltane is the time of Spring when the Earth is teeming with life and vitality. Red Jasper's powerful qualities fill you with your own vitality and passion for life.

Connection to Earth Element - Beltane is connected to the power of Earth and Mother Nature. Diopside helps you to connect your human spirit with the spirit of the Earth and allows you to be in tune with nature.
Abundance - The abundance of Nature is a large part of Beltane. Diopside helps you attract abundance into your life, especially an abundance of positive energy and thoughts.
Balance & Stability - During a time of lots of change like Beltane, it is important to keep a sense of stability. Diopside has an incredibly soothing and refreshing energy, helping us to feel grounded and centered.

Connection to Nature - Beltane is a celebration of the earth's fruitfulness and the awakening of new life in nature. Serpentine's strong connection to the natural world can help you deepen their bond with the earth and brings a sense of harmony and balance with all living things.
Transformation & Renewal - Beltane sees the Earth transformed and renewed. Just as a snake sheds its skin, Serpentine inspires your own transformation of the body and soul. It can help you release old patterns and embrace new beginnings, allowing for personal growth and evolution.
Abundance - Beltane is all about the abundance of the natural world and Earth's bounty. Serpentine helps to bring abundance of all forms to you and helps prepare you for prosperity.

Precious and Semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Healers all over the world are using healing crystals and stones. The crystals and stones should not be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or ailment. The information we provide is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.