
Chrysocolla Meaning, Uses, and Properties

Chrysocolla Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Peace • Calming • Support

Tumbled Chrysocolla Stone
calendar_today   02/15/2023
Raw Chrysocolla Stone

Chrysocolla Meaning

Chrysocolla is a soothing crystal that can be comforting in times of stress or change. 

It discharges negative energy, allowing truth and positivity to surface. 

It helps to calm your emotions and can be soothing in times of transition. 

Chrysocolla helps us to reveal our own knowledge. It is also a stone that strengthens emotional bonds and provides stability and acceptance.

Chrysocolla Metaphysical Properties & Benefits

Chrysocolla is known for its peaceful, calming, and supportive energy.

Chrysocolla helps draw out negative energy and release fear, grief, and sadness, allowing calming peaceful energy to flow in.

It is an empowering stone, especially for females, that helps to calm emotions and can be soothing during times of transition or change. Which makes it a perfect crystal for new beginnings!

Chrysocolla Associations

Chrysocolla properties card

Chrysocolla Zodiac

It is closely assocated with the Zodiacs of Gemini and Taurus.

Chrysocolla Chakra

Chrysocolla also activates the Throat and the Heart Chakras.

As a stone of communication and love, Chrysocolla helps you to communicate from the heart, teaching you to be vulnerable and authentic.

Chrysocolla Element

How to Use Chrysocolla

In Meditation

If you’re embarking on a period of change in your life or new beginnings, Chrysocolla is the crystal for you! Chrysocolla palm stones are perfect to use in meditation.

How to Wear

Chrysocolla is an amazing stone to wear in jewelry form, especially as a pendant

Keeping Chrysocolla near or on your throat is known to be the most effective way to utilize this stones energy for loving communication.

Carry a Chrysocolla tumbled stone with you when you are on-the-go to help you feel its calm peaceful energy, you can place it in your pocket or purse.

In the Home

In addition to wearing or carrying Chrysocolla it can also be placed in your home where the center of communication and interaction between family members happens.

It will aid in open loving communication and preventing the conversation from becoming misconstrued or escalating into an angry exchange.


To cleanse, it’s safe to briefly rinse your chrysocolla piece in water. 

You can also use your preferred method of smoke cleansing, soil from the earth, sound cleansing, or placing it underneath a full moon.

Chrysocolla Products

Geology of Chrysocolla

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