Listing is for a single 1 pound bag of Black Obsidian Crystal Chips. Chip Size is 7mm to 10mm.
See Full DescriptionBlack Obsidian Crystal Chips 7mm to 10mm (1lb bag) Black Obsidian Stone Chips - Black Obsidian Chips - Black Obsidian gemstone chips
The listing is for one pound bag (1) Black Obsidian Crystal Chips
7mm to 10mm
Intentions: Protection, Grounding, Stress Relief
Chakra: Root
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Elements: Earth
Metaphysical Properties of Black Obsidian: Black Obsidian is one of the best stones for protection. It is a powerful cleanser of negative energy. Black Obsidian helps to remove negativity from your environment, and also from your emotions and mind. Because of its protection properties, Black Obsidian cleanses your mind and teaches you emotional strength. Black Obsidian stimulates the Root Chakra. It is especially helpful for grounding you, spiritually and emotionally. Black Obsidian also helps to connect you to the energy of the Earth, centering you and aligning you with the spirit of nature. Because of its ability to deflect negativity, Black Obsidian is helpful for clearing energy blockages and aids in bringing truth to the surface to be revealed.
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