Rhyolite Meaning, Properties, and Uses
Rhyolite Meaning,
Metaphysical Properties & Benefits
Rainforest Jasper is not actually jasper but a form of Rhyolite, it offers a chance to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
It radiates positivity and can bring you a sense of joy and happiness.
Rainforest Jasper steers you towards productive and confident change. It inspires a hopeful attitude and an appreciation for life.
It’s happy energy will encourage new experiences and new people to come into your life.
It reintroduces you to the life force within nature, and assists you in recognizing that force within you.
Rainforest Jasper carries the healing energy of rebirth in nature. It is a stone for positive new beginnings and personal fulfillment.
Rhyolite Associations

Rhyolite Zodiac, Chakra, and Element
- Rhyolite resonates with the zodiac of Sagittarius.
- It is connected to the Third Eye Chakra.
- Rainforest Jasper is deeply connected to the Element of Earth and helps to connect you to that energy.
How to Use Rhyolite
In Meditation
Do you want to attract more pleasant and joyful energies into your life? Are you someone who has a deep connection to the earth and feels motivated to help heal the world?
Then Rainforest Jasper is the crystal for you!
Use a tumbled Rainforest Jasper during your daily meditation as it brings peace and restores your faith and confidence.
How to Wear
Rainforest Jasper is perfect to wear as a necklace, especially in the areas of the heart chakra and solar plexus chakra. Which can help aid in manifestation and keep you inspired and motivated to achieve more with your life.
Carry Rainforest Jasper tumbled stone with you when you are on-the-go to help you strengthen feelings of self-respect and self-value and bring in feelings of hope, renewal, and positive energy.
In the Home
In addition to wearing or carrying Rainforest Jasper it can also be placed in the south east area of your home, to help with motivation, achieving targets and goals.
I also like to place it in the home to encourage more joy, happiness, and loving energies to flow in your space.
To cleanse, Rainforest Jasper is a water-safe crystal as we know from the Mohs hardness scale it has a 6.5 to 7, so you can hold your stone under running water for one minute to cleanse, then use a towel to dry it off.
You can also use your preferred method of smoke cleansing, soil from the earth, sound cleansing, or placing it underneath a full moon.
Rhyolite Products
Geology of Rhyolite
RainForest Jasper is not actually jasper but a form of Rhyolite.
Rainforest Jasper is a rare type of rhyolitic lava, associated with volcanic activity in Australia.
Gas bubbles are trapped in the lava flow during solidification, creating pockets which are later filled, or partially filled by flows of siliceous material, forms of Agate, Jasper, Quartz Crystals and/or other minerals. This form of rhyolite occurs in varying shades of green, brown, red and cream!
Rhyolite usually forms in continental volcanic eruptions where granitic magmas are able to reach the surface. Rhyolite is rarely formed at oceanic eruptions.
Rhyolite, specifically this Rainforest Jasper, comes from Australia. Created from molten flow of magma from the now extinct Mount Hay volcano near Queensland, Australia about 120 million years ago.