
Mookaite Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Mookaite Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Grounding • Motivation • Acceptance

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calendar_today   12/21/2022
Raw Mookaite Stones

Mookaite Meaning

Mookaite is a type of Jasper that is an all-over energizer and cleanser. It harnesses the powerful medicine of the Earth to help ground and center the spirit with its healing vibrations.

Mookaite taps into your mind to help you realize truths about yourself that you may have been avoiding. While it may be difficult to accept these truths, Mookaite also gives you the motivation to heal yourself.

Mookaite also helps to soothe the mind and quiet distracting thoughts. It aids your personal power and inspires windpower. Mookaite keeps you constantly focused and gives you the willpower to succeed. 

Mookaite Metaphysical Properties & Benefits

 It is a stone of self-acceptance and is an ideal tool for overcoming procrastination by revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed to resolve the issue. 

Its constant energy keeps one focused and well-grounded while soothing the mind and quieting distracting thoughts. Mookaite taps into your mind to help you realize truths about yourself that you may have been avoiding.

While it may be difficult to accept these truths, Mookaite also gives you the motivation to heal yourself. Mookaite aids in personal power and willpower, the traits we need to bolster the courage and insight for making life’s big decisions. 

This is also a great stone that will protect travelers and it encourages a sense of adventure as well.  

Mookaite Associations

Mookaite properties card

Mookaite Zodiac, Chakra, & Element

  • Most connected to the zodiac of Virgo and Scorpio.

  • Mookaite activates the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras.

    Its energy keeps you grounded, while also increasing your personal fortitude.

  • Mookaite resonates with the element of Earth

How to Use Mookaite

In Meditation

During meditation, hold a piece of Mookaite stone in your hand and focus on your intention. Or, you can place the Mookaite gemstone on the specific chakra you want to work on.

Meditate while sitting on the Earth with a piece of Mookaite and visualize yourself connecting with the Earth's energy. 

You can also stand or sit barefoot on the Earth to physically ground yourself and enhance the grounding effects of Mookaite.

→ Affirmation: "I am strong. My inner core is powerful. I am physically fit, mentally focused, and emotionally balanced. Vital life force flows vigorously through me, providing me with the endurance to remain strong in all areas of my life." repeat 3x

Also see: How to Cleanse, Charge, and Activate your Crystals

In the Home

Placing mookaite sculpture in the south area of the home brings success and positive energy to our reputation. 

Placing them in the northeast area will bring inspiration into our homes while placing them in the southwest area will bring passion, warmth, and positive energy into a marriage or partnership.

You can also put mookaite under your pillow at night before you go to bed to help you recharge

Keep bottled water near the stone before drinking to amplify the purifying, calming effects of having this stone in your home can bring.

Mookaite Products

Geology of Mookaite

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