
Fluorite Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Fluorite Meaning, Properties, and Uses

Focus • Energy Cleansing • Wellness

Fluorite Points
calendar_today   01/16/2023
Raw Fluorite Stones

Fluorite Meaning

Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative energy within the body and the space surrounding you. It is a highly protective and stabilizing stone. Fluorite also helps to clear and balance the mind, which helps with intense focus. It aids in organizing thoughts and overwhelming emotions. 

  • Purple Fluorite purifies and is helpful in spiritual ventures.

  •  Green Fluorite is an extremely cleansing stone. 

  • Rainbow Fluorite exhibits a combination of all properties of the different variations.

Fluorite Metaphysical Properties & Benefits

Fluorite enhances self-confidence, inner strength and making good decisions while eliminating stressors that can prevent us from standing firmly on our truth. Whether you are looking to manifest big changes or just need an extra kick of willpower, fluorite is the perfect stone! 

Fluorite Associations

Fluorite Properties Card

Fluorite Zodiac

Fluorite is one of the best crystals for mental focus and clarity, which is right up a Capricorn’s alley. 

Fluorite helps Capricorn to pay attention to every minute detail in their work projects or professional endeavors.

It promotes organization and productivity, while also organizing their thoughts and ideas. Fluorite is able to promote discipline while simultaneously enhancing their ability to absorb information. 

Even with all of Fluorite's mentally stimulating properties, for Capricorns, it can also assist them in opening their minds to new ideas and viewpoints.

Fluorite promotes mental clarity, especially for a Pisces. It’s a great crystal for promoting harmony and is also a beneficial crystal for blocking out negative thoughts and energies from a Pisces psyche. 

Fluorite increases concentration and promotes creativity. Fluorite is very beneficial for an extra emotional Pisces by tapping into their heart center and allowing them to understand where some uncomfortable emotions could stem from. 

Fluorite is also great at promoting effective communication for Pisces..

Fluorite Chakra

  • It stimulates and balances the Third Eye Chakra.

  • Green Fluorite helps to balance the Heart Chakra.

Fluorite Element

How to Use Fluorite

In Meditation

If you want to meditate with Fluorite:

Close your eyes and hold a piece of Fluorite in your hands.

→Take a few deep, slow breaths as you focus your mind upon the crystal you are holding.

→ Say what you would like to manifest out loud 3x, then repeat the affirmation:

“My wish comes true”

Repeat this 9 times.

How to Wear

Wear a Fluorite bracelet or pendant if you are looking for something to help you focus and review information without bias. It encourages increased concentration, mental clarity, and connection with higher vibrations. 

In the Home

Place your fluorite piece on your windowsill where the sun will be about to hit it everyday.
Leave a fluorite crystal next to your bed or on your work desk to help keep you focused. 

Geology of Fluorite

Cleansing Fluorite 

Never cleanse or place your Fluorite in water and even more specifically salt water. 

We don’t recommend using salt to cleanse your piece either as it has the possibility of chipping and eroding your Fluorite piece over time.

To cleanse, you can use your preferred method of smoke cleansing

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